Inside Music Book Club

a 6-week, interactive Book Club - a page-turning mystery by Paul Adam - live music, virtual tours of Italy, fun conversation….

Check back here for announcements for the next session

  • 6 live sessions on Zoom

    6, 90-minute sessions on Zoom, live or on-demand. Host Anthea Kreston leads the group in conversation covering the music, the cities, and the history of Paganini, Stradivarius, and the rigors of the life of a major soloist.

  • Guest speakers - Live Music

    This exciting series includes guests such as author Paul Adams, a violin maker, a young soloist currently in an international competition, and live performances of the pieces written about in the book. Paganini Caprices, Schubert, Bach and more performed by Anthea Kreston and young soloists currently on the international music scene.

  • Locations!

    Together we will take trips to Italy - Cremona (home to a legacy of violin makers), Venice, Rome and Florence. We will look inside the major concert halls in these great cities, walk the streets and peek inside the homes of these legendary classical music giants. We will also have the opportunity to each craft and share our own interactive itineraries on Google Earth.

  • Saturday 9-10:30 AM Pacific Standard Time - live or on-demand

  • All Book Club meetings are held on Zoom

  • Interactive Book Club - history, live music, guest performers and special visit by author Paul Adam